Ok, I have been trying to post the last three stages of the race but I am in a funk. The past three nights I have had dreams about running different stages of the race. I must admit that I keep having this dream of seeing, Jo, Sjohn and Mimi's lovely bottoms jogging out in front of me and it is a wonderful dream, however, it is followed by a horrible nightmare and I wake-up in a cold sweat as somehow the butts of Sat and George end up in front of me!!!! Helen has to calm me down...I never tell her about the beginning of the dream.
Christine, I am not transitioning well and while I always get hugs from the kids at my school I am missing Kendra's daily hugs. She is a hugger. At least now when I see lightning it is not all a negative experience.
The Old Goats Steve and Doug you are becoming folk hero's back here in NJ. I keep telling everyone about you guys and how you kept kicking the Knuckleheads butts. My local Y has asked me to write an article about the race and I am mentioning you guys in it.
I hope to finish up the last three stages as I have enjoyed reading Steve's posts about the various stages. I would also like to summarize my entire Quest experience dating back to when George and I started it in March.
I am not prolific writer and I am not sure I can express the feelings I have about the wonderful week spent out in the Rockies with just great people. I never thought I could make that many friends it that short period of time.
You are not alone! Annie told me she has had a dream about the race EVERY night since we returned. I, on the other hand, have been battling this damn virus (wonder where I got it) so sleep has been elusive. I just keep reviewing the photos and attempting to relive each moment - unsuccessfully - guess I'll just have to run the damn thing again. I posted 325 photos on snap fish today.
i'm missing my knucklehead hugs big time. i'm walking down the streets of bolton, just looking for someone to hug. i almost got arrested!!! good grief!!! i won't be doing london marathon, but check this one out for 2009...
i got some pics developed this week - really good ones of our extended knucklehead family!!
'long may you run'
ha ha ha...
hey! what's wrong with my butt - other than it being sore from being kicked by you and the Old Goats all week ;)
I've just recovered from my virus/flu/plague - so I might be up to finally doing that big write-up.
So much to write about - not sure the internet is ready for it!
Miss you all...finally getting back to running, feel really strong :)
Thinking I might do the Comrades next year ;)
All right, Knuckleheads!! Time to crack down and get yer' self some new race goals!! Forget the funk!! It's time for new challenges....
So what's on the agenda for next year???
هل تعاني من مشكلة التنظيف هل تؤجل المناسبات نظرا لعدم نظافة وترتيب منزلك بالشكل الأمثل وسئمت من الطرق التقليدية والحلول معكم شركة ركن الشروق افضل شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط وأرخص شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط تنظيف المنازل تنظيف البيوت تنظيف المجالس تواصل معنا عزيزي العميل وسوف نصلك في أسرع وقت ممكن شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط
شركة مكافحة حشرات بخميس مشيط
شركة تنظيف مجالس بخميس مشيط
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