The Finish Line

The Finish Line
The Knuckleheads

The Last Day

The Last Day
Our Running Buddies

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 23

Easy day... walked 3 miles in the weight vest. Helen will not let me walk with it unless I wear a jacket over it. The neighbors already think I am little odd she is afraid they will call homeland security on me. Also did my 2 push-ups and 3 sit-ups. I do not know how George ran for 1hr 10min in that vest. I have a hard enough time walking in it.

Having some blister issues otherwise I feel pretty good.

1 comment:

Georgie B said...

Fred, I've seen some of your outfits.... the weight vest is an upgrade.

Ran 9.5 today in high, high humidity...proud to finish with a 300 yard sprint up a hill.

Started drinking a " Boost " protein drink each day.... a little expensive, but it tastes great and is really easy to take, versus mixing protein powders etc.

Surfed the web looking for " stuff " today... lot of work to do to understand what we need to buy / bring to the race. We'll have to participate in the forum on the transrockies. com to make a connection that can give us experienced advice. Otherwise, we'll just buy stuff beyond our means.

In all seriousness, I know I am getting stronger, more motivated and still would like to accelerate 10 lbs of weight loss.