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Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 152

Two weeks from tonight we will have hopefully completed the 1st leg and had our 1st campfire chat!!!

Relatively peaceful Monday. However did not accomplish any tasks ie new phone and passport photo. Went to a Verizon wireless store broke into a cold sweat...had no clue what to do. Family plan, single plan, National Minutes plan etc...text messaging, email, music, GPS, TV(LCD or Plasma), broadband etc. Buy one get 3 free with a two year plan on Tuesday with a full moon if you are an Aries and you plan to Vote for Obama!!! I will try again tomorrow I did some research tonight on the internet. I did check Verizon's Colorado coverage ...west of Buena Vista looks shaky, Vail is ok, but my broadband card may not work on some days. So I may not be able to post on those days.

Went to the Y today for a light workout. Walked up hill for 40 minutes tried to maintain a 15min/mile pace. Finished with a light jog just to keep the legs moving. Did some upper body work as I think my arms are getting weak with all the running I have been doing. Also went back to doing push-ups. Hope to tighten up thing before the race.

Looking forward to meeting Old Goat Doug I think we share the same views on Hillary. My wife Helen was a raging Liberal when we met. She use to throw mashed potatoes at me when we would discuss politics. Now she is right of me and Rush Limbaugh. How about those Russian they are not winning enough Gold Medals so they have to invade another country to change the subject. Sore losers!!! By the way any Russians running in this race...that will make for interesting campfire chats.


Georgie B said...

I am trying to decide how I can be both a mysterious elderly gentlemen for the ladies and enter the campfire chats in my normal opinionated, polarizing way.

If anyone has advice, please post a comment... I fear that I will lose my " Mystique " at the first mention of Obama ( even though I must admit the guy has my attention )

Had an interesting run today... I went back to the location of my first long run, 152 days ago. I hadn't been back because I had to run on a concrete sidewalk but I remember the hill that kicked my butt.... today, it was merely a rise in the road. Felt more than a bit of optimism for the upcoming Vision Quest, Fred and my third middle age crisis. If this crisis isn't handled by the Quest, next is bunge chord jumping from a Russian Oil tanker quarter deck off the Georgian coast !! Shouldn't joke about this... I just wish the world could wake up.
At 55 years old, I get a bit depressed that I don't see clarity for my kid's future. I look forward to meeting and talking with folks from other countries at this race and hear what is on their mind.

Until then.... Taper on !!

Sat Sandhu said...

I've got the perfect solution for your George...

Pretend there are two of you - identical twins. That you you can try two different approaches with the ladies.

And if that doesn't work - then you can throw in a triplet! ;)

PS. I think the russians are too busy looting Georgia at the moment to run the TRR :(

PPS. Can you American please leave a few medals for us Brits to win!?