The Finish Line

The Finish Line
The Knuckleheads

The Last Day

The Last Day
Our Running Buddies

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 30

This will be short...a little under the weather. Did 3 mile walk with the suicide vest.

Will update Snake bite hopefully tomorrow.


Georgie B said...

Fred, Hope you're feeling better... sorry for not being diligent in posting for the Blog.
I lost my computer charger and was unable to comment.

Had two nine mile runs... one on Friday and one on Sunday. WITH the suicide vest !

My quads looks like the cables on the George Washington Bridge !

Went to a Wizard of Oz viewing accompanied by Dallas Symphony.Thought Nikki and Chynna would love it, but they were most interested in getting an autograph from the two surviving munchkins from the original 1939 movie.
Came home, drank a slushie and went to bed.... $ 350 !! Sophistication is expensive.

Fred, the Quest has been one of the best things that I have done in a long, long time. A goal oriented person like me needs a goal with stretch that has a wonderful side benefit like health and wellness. I remain committed to this in a major way. Thanks for bringing this up as a solution to our third mid life crisis.

Georgie B said...

Been thinking about the snake and our proclivity for urine deletion at night. We have to modify our backpacks with a catheter... The catheter could have a compass and a team knucklehead sticker on it to camouflage its dubious but critical function. Don't worry Apple, I have a solution for everything ! Tee it up, and I'll smack it down... Alphipho !!!