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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 53

George, has she shown you any sites at this point. The biggest issue is the viability of the site. The economics of the real estate, rent, term, and lease conditions, landlord/developer etc. The Goddard stuff is really secondary. I can run you all numbers on the school in about 10 minutes. A little market analysis is all it will take. Demographics are important and they usually run these prior to settling on a site. But you should ask her for that..1,2,3 and 5 mile radius the #kids 0-5 and family income on any site she is showing you. I still think your biggest hurdle to doing the Goddard thing is getting the house thing settled. You do not want to open a school and not have enough capital to carry you through ramp up.

Today I trained for the Spring Lake 5. Got on the treadmill and ran 5 miles in sub 8 min mile pace. But the treadmill makes that a lot easier to do. However, no pounding on the knees. Last mile was at about a 7min mile...good songs on the I-Pod. Finished up with stomach and upper body work as usual. Still no Carmen been out now for a month. Have no way of contacting him and I have know him for over 5 years. It is funny how some friendships work.

Tomorrow the weather may not allow me to cross train on the golf course. If so I will do a run somewhere.

I almost did the same thing to my knee on Sunday playing baseball with Freddy and his buddies. Did my Luis Tiant moves which the kids were getting a kick out of but my knees were feeling it.

1 comment:

Georgie B said...

Fred, I am truly impressed by your ability to run at a speedy pace. I have tried to run sub 8 one mile runs on the track... can't do it.

I get the Goddard advice, thanks... demographics etc.... just wished I didn't have to do business with an " edge " in this space( I can handle it, but the retired exec that I am wants to optimize ) I agree, house needs to clarify and if it does.... that is my go.

Sara Lee stock up today... good, the balance of my portfolio was nicked. I am virtually 100 % in alternative energy plays oil down, alternative energy down.... this makes incredible sense to me, just like in hindsight... commodity plays made a tremendous amount of sense. Jobs numbers will be interesting tomorrow... big directional day, I think. We need a follow through in the afternoon to today.

Taking a second day off from running.... figure it makes sense to let my knee rest for 48 hours. Plan to run 12 tomorrow to catch up. I also need to eat less... I'm carbing pretty heavy these days, body seems to crave it.