The Finish Line

The Finish Line
The Knuckleheads

The Last Day

The Last Day
Our Running Buddies

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 52

Was supposed to be a day-off. Spent the night raking a LL field that was half mud. I worked up a bigger sweat then if I had ran 5 miles. It was a cold windy night. But the kids played their best game this year. We won 13-9. Freddy pitched the last two inning giving up no runs. Maybe they will renew my contract.

Tomorrow back to the Y.

George how was that trail you were driving to?

Hopefully tomorrow I will have some time to work on our Blog.

1 comment:

Georgie B said...

Ran 12 out in the " country " in greater Dallas. Country was pretty well groomed, but it was a dirt path that was about 15 miles long. This will give me a good alternative to my paved path around the lake that I normally run at.

Anyhow, ran 12 decent miles... in 90 degree heat. All in all an accretive run.

Bad news is that I came back and kicked the soccer ball around with Nikki and now my knee is inflamed.

Talked to Janet Miller regarding Goddard again today, she troubles me a bit... and when I get serious about an important decision, I know I am going to need more perspective than a field representative can reliably and convincingly give me. This will be an important decision and I must be convinced that I am getting unbiased, totally informed, unvarnished " truth " to the proposition without the encumberance of a field rep getting a bonus or having a quota that depends on " Landing " me !

I am enjoying the flexibility of my forced vacation immensely and while Goddard certainly will present new challenges and inconveniences, I intuitively think this meets my needs in a number of important ways. Fred, I will continue to rely on you as a consultant.