The Finish Line

The Finish Line
The Knuckleheads

The Last Day

The Last Day
Our Running Buddies

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 33

Back at the Y...treadmill 9mph pace constant increasing the grade to 7% then back down and finished walking at the 7% grade. Ran/walked for 5 miles. Then back down for some weight lifting. Felt Ok today. George you are right about rest...we should not get too carried away early on. That training schedule looks challenging as we get into July. I am thinking about focusing on the upper body and stomach during the next month. Keeping mileage around 30-35 miles and scouting hill runs.

I could not download the three stooges song must of done something wrong. But I am still on it.

George you should go to Sat sandhu blog he has two blogs on there of last year's run. One written by a guy who was actually competing to win and the other by a lady who was 40+ who was running to finish and have a good time.

Just remember this... an external force moved me into a new career 13 years ago and things worked-out well. Not to worry I will hook you up with Paulie he is down Guyana running around with the Mutual of Omaha people building air strips.

Tomorrow I am cross training...I am playing golf but plan to carry my bag which should weigh about the same as the suicide vest. This will give me about 4-5miles and on my feet for 4 hours.

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