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The Last Day
Our Running Buddies

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 73

Well, I am officially sick got whatever the kids and Helen have...Not happy at all. Especially with the SL 5 only 3 days away. However, I am relieved I thought I was having leg and muscle issues but it was just I was getting sick. Took 2 extra strength excedrin's and went to the Y anyway. Gutted out 5 and the rest of my work-out. I expect to crash very shortly...that is why I am posting early. Plus Freddy has a concert tonight he has a singing role but he was coughing his brains out as of this morning.

George, do you think we should order 2 pair or run in them and if we like them order more. Road Runner is pretty good with sizes I will go with the 9 on the trail shoe. I have three brand new 1223 NB so I will pass on the regular running shoe. Although, I wonder if I should try a new shoe ?

Diet is my Achilles heel. I need more veggies which I am not found of and forget about soy milk and all those mixes you are talking about. Although I am an avid fan of your Metamucil mix. I do find myself in need of an energy boost during the day. Sleep is another factor... I need more of it. Getting to bed before 10 would be a help.

1 comment:

Georgie B said...

Fred, the 5 star Asics trail shoe the 1220 is only $ 69 bucks, which we will get half price( $ 35 ) I vote for getting 2 pairs now.... she orders only a few times a year.

Sounds like you have enough New Balance and I think you should run in the shoe that you train in... so you're good there.

Don't blow off the Soy milk, muscle milk protein powder and greens powder or fruits / green powder idea. Soy Milk comes in Vanilla and Chocolate and it tastes like ice cream... it's great. You can use it as a base in a blender as well and throw in whatever fruits / vegetables / powders that you like. Quick and really easy. GNC has all kinds of powders.... it's worth a trip to assess.

Hope you feel better and run a strong SL5.... be careful not to blow out a hamstring... I think it is supposed to be cool this weekend.

Girls and I are off to Connecticut tomorrow.... runs will be a challenge. Did 30 minutes on the Eucalyptys today and will try to get 4 or 5 in tomorrow morning.